Monday, October 4, 2010

Blog Response #2 - Conducting An Interview

For this blog entry, you will watch Law's MSGVarsity submissions from last year and critique them based on our in-class discussions about interviewing, framing, and editing. You can comments on the videos as a whole or on specific videos that you watch.

Go to and go to the Jonathan Law page. Watch videos marked "SCHOOL VIDEO" and write a 250-word response which discusses the overall strengths and weaknesses of the videos. What do you like about the video(s) you watched? What did you dislike? What did the group do well in the production of the video? What could they improve on?

Response due: Monday, October 8th by 5 p.m.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog Response #1 - Composing Your Camera Shots

Watch the following video about shot composition and respond to the following questions:

What did you learn from the video about composing your camera shots? Which rules did you find most important or most interesting? How can you apply the lessons from this video to your projects this year?

Response due: Tuesday, September 21st by 5 p.m.

Working from school? Go to "My Computer." Go to the "LawShare" folder. Open the "TV Production" folder. Double-click on the video entitled "Composing Your Shots."

Working from home? Use the YouTube link below:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome To The Video Blog!

Each week in class, you will responsible for responding to one blog question. Your responses must be 250 words (or more) in length and must offer your unique insight into the article or topic being discussed. Your responses will be made in the Comments section of each post.

Due dates for each weekly blog post will be given in class each week, but most weeks, your responses must be posted by the end of class on Friday.